Our Club
A Message From Our President

I spent most of my childhood and all of my teens living 4 miles down the road in Cromane utterly oblivious to the existence of the fantastic asset that is Dooks Golf Club on my doorstep. That’s not surprising when you consider that nobody in my family, none of my neighbours or friends knew anything about Golf or Dooks or what went on there. Membership of Dooks at the time was the preserve of the business people of Killorglin and Killarney and the Summer visitors.
In the early 80s the committee decided it was time to broaden the membership base and a recruitment campaign ensued. And so was created a group of Dooks members known as “The Novices”. Supervised Wednesday evening competitions were organised to help the novices learn how to play, learn the rules, learn how to mark a card etc. The prizes were golf balls, three for first, two for second. This group, of whom I was one, gradually acquired the knowledge and confidence to start playing in the regular Sunday morning competitions. Many of the novices quickly went on to become very accomplished, successful Dooks golfers. Alas I was not one of them.
Playing the Sunday morning competitions all year round (while balefully watching my handicap rise), playing the Friday evening summer scrambles and trying to get on the Dooks Dr. Billy O’Sullivan team became my main source of relaxation and fun and exercise.
In the late 90’s I was encouraged to stand for election to what was then the Men’s Committee by the incoming Captain Jerome Foley RIP. I served as Competitions Secretary for a few years during which time the Intelligent Golf computer system was introduced much to the displeasure some of the more established golfers who regarded a keyboard as a dangerous nuisance.
It was also during this time that Hawtree Plan for the course was implemented and the Clubhouse extended and improved providing the basis for the great reputation and success the Club is currently enjoying. I was elected Captain in 2009 which was a time of great national uncertainty due to the economic crash of the year. But we could still play golf.
I believe that I have greatly benefitted from my 40 years of membership of Dooks Golf Club in terms of friendships made, healthy exercise and relaxation, social interaction and conviviality in the clubhouse and committee rooms and on the course.
It is a great privilege to be a member, let alone Captain and President, of such a great organisation as Dooks Golf Club and I am very grateful. What makes Dooks Golf Club great is its beautiful location, its excellent facilities, but most of all it is its people, members, staff and committees, past and present, who have contributed and continue to contribute to making Dooks Golf Club “our little bit of heaven, here on earth.”

President’s Profile
When did you first start playing golf?
I started playing when I joined Dooks in 1984.
What is your favourite course?
After Dooks probably the Old Course in Ballybunion.
What do you think is the biggest challenge facing the game of golf?
In the Professional Game I feel there is a danger that the “Sportswashing” represented by the Liv Tour will damage the global reputation of the sport.
In the Amateur Game clubs like Dooks need to be more proactive in attracting youngsters to play golf so that the game is perceived to be a sport to be enjoyed by people of all ages.
What do you like most about golf?
I enjoy the challenge of trying to play well, the physical exercise, the fresh air, the often beautiful surroundings, the good company. I could go on…
What was your lowest & highest handicap?
My handicap, in spite of my best efforts, has always ranged between 18 which was my beginner’s handicap and my current HI which is 27.
Can you remember your best golf shot?
A 6 iron third shot to about 4 feet on the 18th in Dooks. I got the put to win that round of the singles club championship.
Can you remember your worst golf shot?
I try to repress those memories!
Who is your favourite sportsperson? Why?
Tiger Woods’ prowess on the course in his heyday was always a pleasure to watch.
What piece of advice would you offer anyone thinking of taking up the game of golf or just starting out?
Get fitted so the clubs you buy suit you and get lessons from a pro regularly. Otherwise you run the risk of having a golfing career as long and undistinguished as mine!
What is your favourite golfing memory?
I have great memories of being Captain in 2009 which I hope will be surpassed by the memories of being President in 2024.
A Little bit About..
Dooks Golf Club is renowned for its friendliness and invites all visitors to enjoy the unique atmosphere of the Clubhouse. The warmth of the greeting you will receive at Dooks is unrivalled. From the moment you walk through our doors you will feel immediately at home.
The Clubhouse is all inclusive with Locker facilities for visiting golfers, a Pro-shop and Bar/Dining room. After your round why not relax and restore the energy levels! The bar and dining facilities offer visiting golfers the opportunity to relax in comfort and the opportunity to chat with the members. A menu which includes both light snacks and more substantial meals, all freshly prepared using local produce is available throughout the day.
Here in Dooks we have a vibrant Men’s Club, Ladies’ Club & Junior Club. Our doors are always open to Visitors and Prospective Future Members.
Members Time
Members have priority (Mon-Fri): 09.00 – 10.00 / 13.00 – 14.30 / from 17.00 Members have priority (Sat) up to 11.00 / from 15.00 Members have priority (Sun) up to 14.00 / from 15.00 |
Club Administrators, Clubhouse Staff & Course Staff
Position | |
Secretary Manager | Graham Spring |
Accounts | Breda O’Connor |
Reservations | Chiara McGrath |
Pro Shop | PGA Professional Dan Sugrue, Jonathan Sparling, Jerry Griffin, Aisling O’Connor |
Natterjack Bar | Tom Griffin (Bar Manager), Johnny McGillycuddy |
Hungry Toad Restaurant | Eric Jouen(Head Chef) |
Golf Course | Micheál Shanahan (Head Green Keeper), Barry Harmon, Philip McGillycuddy, David Pigott, Charles McGillycuddy, David Houlihan, Alan O’Dwyer, Derek Daly |

John McGillycuddy